Building a sustainable future: SAE Towers' journey towards excellence in quality, safety and the environment.

as it directly influences better global performance, constituting a solid basis for sustainable development initiatives.
The senior management of SAE Towers assumes responsibility for ensuring that the planning, development and execution of its engineering activities, industrial production (towers and hardware) and EPC construction are endowed with the highest quality standards. A guarantee that requirements agreed with customers are promptly met.
SAE Towers obtained ISO 9001 certification, which establishes the adoption of a quality management system. This is a strategic decision for our organization,

Its Safety Policy is developed and shaped for prevention. To this end, the company works with rules for the preservation of life, inviolable rules, which guide the health and safety policy, based on permanent care.
The Safety Management System is recognized by ISO 45001. As a result, SAE encourages its employees to comply with the rules and to be responsible for production processes and continuous improvement.
SAE Towers treats health and safety as a priority and undistinguished values.

Learning Program
SAE Towers has its own program that selects and directs young apprentices to work in the company.
The applied methodology is a reference in Minas Gerais, developing the technical part and directing the young people's behavior towards their commitment to productivity and the best use of their talents.
The program developed by SAE Towers follows the procedures determined by Law nº 10.097/2000, which make it possible, through a special contract with an employment relationship and a determined period, to insert young people and adolescents in the world of work.
The objective of SAE and the companies of Grupo RPG is to qualify, specialize and be a bridge for the insertion of young workers in the job market at the end of the contract.
The program is governed by the CLT, allowing employment through a special contract with a maximum term of two years. SAE thus fulfills its social role of interfering in the good training of young people and adolescents, in a training path that combines theory and practice, forming workers and citizens.
Historically, SAE Towers has been an educational institution. And, as usual, at the conclusion of the contract, those who stand out are invited to be proudly part of the SAE team.

Discover our programs
Transforming lives: Our social programs promote inclusion and equality, providing opportunities and hope for communities around the world.
Learning Program
Descubra Program
SAE Towers manufactures its products aimed at the process of implementing electricity transmission projects,
not giving up sustainable bases in its production process. The company's management seeks economic viability with respect for the environment, determined to become increasingly recognized, competitive and sustainable. In this way, it renews its commitment to the development of society.
The company works to develop sustainably, demonstrating commitment to complying with current legislation, providing better control of risk situations and preventing the occurrence of environmental accidents. It is an organization that assumes its environmental responsibility towards society, in addition to maintaining an organizational structure that allows it to control and assess the impacts of its activities on the environment. It is worth highlighting the fact that SAE Towers offers products and services combined with an environmental management system that uses indicators, processes with monitoring of results.

SAE Towers obtained certifications in the ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 and ABNT NBR 16775:2020 standards.

It also recently confirmed certification under the ABNT NBR 16775:2020 standard, which guarantees the use of the ABCEM (Brazilian Association of Metallic Construction) seal of conformity. This means that the company provides its customers with greater credibility, trust and commitment in the search for continuous improvement of processes.

SAE Towers obtained certifications in the ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 and ABNT NBR 16775:2020 standards.
It also recently confirmed certification under the ABNT NBR 16775:2020 standard, which guarantees the use of the ABCEM (Brazilian Association of Metallic Construction) seal of conformity. This means that the company provides its customers with greater credibility, trust and commitment in the search for continuous improvement of processes.